How To Improve Your Kicks For Muay Thai

muay thai camp training

From highlight-reel head kicks to the crippling leg kicks, the kicking game is an essential part of MMA, Kickboxing, to Muay Thai.  Not just limited to the first techniques mentioned, you can utilize this powerful tool in many different ways. From stifling an opponent’s movement to breaking an arm, firing off kicks is something that every practitioner should strive to add to their arsenal. Learning how to throw a kick accurately hit the intended target is where practice comes in.

The damage which a kick can inflict on an opponent can vary depending on the landing point and, of course, the power you generate. Learning what part of your opponent’s body to target is crucial to becoming a devastating and effective kicker. From knocking them off balance to knockouts, the way you can use kicks is almost endless. But before we get ahead of ourselves, you have to put in the work. These are a couple of tips that you can work on your own or at the gym to help make you a more efficient kicking machine.


Stability is the foundation of all techniques, whether its martial arts, weightlifting, or any other sport. As such, it is crucial to your sense of delivering a kick, with improper balance, you could end up falling forward or falling back when you try to step back into your stance. Try to maintain your balance while rotating your hips over, whipping the leg into your target and land back again into your stance. You can practice this while shadowboxing, which is a great way to go through the movements and different speeds. Try to sustain your balance to achieve control over your body while directing the force of the kick into your intended target.  Staying balanced, assures efficient movement and stability. 

 Balance training not only improves your kicks, but it has shown that it can help prevent injury and reduce the risk of ligament problems. Even if you don’t plan to fight, this is an exercise that really can benefit anyone.  It’s also under study for more extensive use to improve mobility, help prevent falls and injury. 

quick tip: Standing on one leg 5 seconds at a time is a great way to start working on your balance.
muay thai camp training


How hard can this one be? You do it every day without thinking, but adequate breathing is an essential tool that is often overlooked. Learning to breathe correctly during workouts can help by lowering your heart rate, regulating blood pressure while helping you relax, all of which further minimizes how much of the stress hormone cortisol is released within your body.  It also helps with preventing injuries such as hernias, the strain on blood vessels, and back pain. 

Not only can proper breathing help prevent injuries, but it is also an essential part of learning how to perform a decent kick. You do not want to be tense as this will put unnecessary strain on your muscles, causing your actions to become sluggish and stiff. Which also displays a significant indication for your opponent that you are preparing to launch a strike.  Concentrating on your breathing will keep you loose, relax, and help you think clearly while keeping your movements fluid. When throwing your kick, learn to exhale as this will help produce a more explosive movement and helps increase the force of the impact.

quick tip: While sitting against the wall, reach your arms forward and practice long, slow, deep breaths. Take a deep breath in, then exhale thoroughly to expel as much air as possible.


A staple of every gym in Thailand, running is the best way to build up your cardio, conditioning, and muscles in your legs. A jogging program alone will develop lean muscle and endurance in your legs while providing the advantages of improving the heart rate and of your circulatory system. 

It is one of the top ways to condition your body. Roadwork for fighters traditionally consists of long distances that include miles of aerobic training. However, modern roadwork consists of adding in different methods. Sprints, backpedaling, and shuffling. This all works towards the same goal of developing aerobic conditioning. All aspects of fighting benefit from this classic conditioning not just for cardiovascular strength, but it dramatically benefits mental focus.  After all, how can you accurately throw kicks if you tire out quickly? 


There is no better way to practice your kicks. From shadow boxing to working with a partner, fighters in Thailand are known to do full rounds of pure drilling. They go over everything they have learned, going slow to practice the motion to going all out. 

Why is it so essential to build muscle memory? When pressed and put in uncomfortable situations, we all resort to what we know.  Drilling and building up muscle memory is vital for those unfavorable conditions.  Learn how to throw kick from different angles and drill it until it becomes an instinct.

the heavy bag

The heavy bag is quite possibly the most useful piece of equipment in the whole gym. I prefer the heavy bag that is not only dense but has a decent swing and is hung high. For me, it helps stimulate the weight of an opponent. I recommend staying away from the “the banana bags” as most gyms don’t hang them properly and are usually touching the floor. Your opponent will not be stationary, and practicing kicking a moving target will help your timing.

film yourself

No, this is not for the benefit of posting on social media.  In the era of mobile phones, it is now easier to record oneself, but few have taken full advantage of filming their training sessions. Record a session and take a look back, you might be quite surprised by what you see.  By watching these videos with the intent of improving your techniques, you can see the tendencies and bad habits you have developed. It is then easier to focus on an issue and correct it in the next training session.  Remember to check your ego if you genuinely want to improve.


Rest cannot be understated. In order to recover, you need to ensure you are allowing your body enough time to rest itself. Your eight hours of sleep every night are just as important than any technique you will learn in a book or in the gym. Just make sure you have earned it!