A Basic Guide On Creating A Running Program

Running is an essential aspect of conditioning for fighting. In Thailand running is almost religious. Fighters wake up at the crack of dawn and hit the pavement before most people are even awake. Whether you are a beginner or are looking to increase your stamina and want to run faster. Discipline is something that is an essential part of the sport. There is an art to picking an excellent training schedule. The program you choose will depend on your goals and your needs. Here is some advice that will help you create a plan that fits your needs.

Decide on Your Goals

The first step to choosing a running program is to decide on your goals. If you are a beginner, your training program will look a lot different than someone who is preparing to run their third marathon.A goal as simple lose a couple more pounds, or maybe you want to run your first 5k without stopping to take a rest. Other times a goal will be focused on an event such as running a 10K or a marathon. But training in Muay Thai, the goal will be to build their overall gas tank for a 5 round fight.

Once you determine your goals, write them down and put them in places where you can see them often. Turn the goal statements into affirmations and recite them a few times each day. For example, if you want to use running to help you lose 5 pounds, your assertion could be: Running is helping me lose five pounds.

Choose a Program

Based on your list of goals,  choose or develop a cardio training program that will work for you. If you need help, consult with someone who has more experience than you. It can be friends, family, or maybe someone you follow on social media.

 There are so numerous different kinds of programs out there that it can be stressful choosing the one that is right for you. A marathon runner will not have the same running program as a fighter. Depending on how physically fit you are, running sprints might now be the best method for you. Look for a runner training program that is challenging but not out of your reach. You don’t want to get discouraged or worst yet get injured.

Be relentless

You can spend a lot of time setting goals and finding a training program, but if you donĂ­t stick with it, your efforts will equal to nothing. Everyone has various ways of discovering their motivation. Once you find what drives you, sticking to your training plan will get much more manageable.

You may feel disorganized, unmotivated, and sometimes you might even feel like you take a couple of steps back for every step you take forward. It takes time and consistency to build up a routine. Give yourself a few weeks to establish yours and. Depending on where you are physically and age-wise,  it will take time to build up your body. I do promise you this if you stick to your program at the 3 months mark you won’t believe the fantastic progress you have made.